A lot of people who say they love coffee actually only love fancy, third wave coffee. I’m not one of those people. I love coffee in all roasts, sizes, and origins.
There’s something for everyone in this city, whatever your thing happens to be. For at least 30 of us, that thing happens to be riding bikes up steep mountains in the blazing California sun for hours on end.
In two weeks I’ll be heading to the great Pacific Northwest to hike the legendary Wonderland Trail. Naturally, it wasn’t until about a week ago I started thinking, “huh... maybe I should start preparing for this.”
"I didn't hike an extra three miles to NOT watch the sunset at the top of Cloud's Rest. If you want to wimp out 100 yards shy of the summit be my guest, but I will never let you live down the day you didn't finish."
If you’re like me, it’s Wednesday afternoon or Thursday night before you even start thinking you might like to round up a few buddies and get away for the weekend...