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Langford, British Columbia

Looking for the best backpacking in Langford? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Langford. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Backpacking Spots in and near Langford

  • Forks, Washington

    Backpack the Hoh River to Tom's Creek Campground

    6 mi
    Olympic National Park plays host to some incredible things, including the Hoh Rainforest. Known for its long hanging moss and crystal clear waters, it's easy to see why this is a popular destination. Spring is the perfect time of the year to visit, the weather is mild and the park is almost empty...
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  • Quilcene, Washington

    Marmot Pass via Big Quilcene Trail

    10.5 mi / 3481 ft gain
    This trail has a nice, steady climb that's perfect for beginner or intermediate backpackers. The first 2.5 miles follow a forest trail along the Big Quilcene River. For the next 3 miles, the trail flows in and out of shaded trees, over a small talus field, and through a meadow before the final ac...
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  • Quilcene, Washington

    Backpack to Marmot and Constance Passes

    24 mi / 5200 ft gain
    The secret to this trip: Marmot Pass and Boulder Shelter, where you can camp on National Forest Service land. Multiple excellent, large backpacking sites sit just on the edge of the National Park, giving you great access to Mt. Constance and Mt. Deception, two of the tallest peaks in the Olympics...
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