Hike to Waterberg Plateau

D2512, Namibia


Elevation Gain

5577.4 ft

Route Type



Added by Lauren Verity

Enjoy a hike to a breathtaking view of the Waterberg Park from up on the plateau.

Waterberg (Waterberg: vaa-tuh-baag)

The trailhead marker shows the turn off of the highway into the general park area. Once you get on this road there are various campsites and lodges to stay at, which all have access to the trails leading to the top of the plateau. The park is 405 square kilometres, and the top of the plateau is 1700 metres above sea level!

Waterberg Plateau Park is a national park that is home to many wild animals. All the animals here are protected from poachers, so if you are lucky enough to see a rhino you will notice it's horns are cut off. This is to prevent them from being killed because without their horns they are useless to the poachers. 

When you locate the trail wherever you are staying, just be prepared for many different terrains. Swampy marsh, boulders, rickety bridges, forest, and so much more. You will come across a few animals, but don't feed them. Baboons will keep to themselves if you leave them alone. If you make them feel threatened, they will become vicious very fast. If you see a tiny deer, called a damara dik-dik, they are harmless. What you really need to look out for are the leopards, snakes, and spiders. Leopards stay in the trees, so every now and then look up to be aware of your surroundings. 

Once you arrive at the face of the plateau, you will have to climb over boulders and up the crevasse of the mountain to reach the top. It's not easy, but it's an experience to say the least. 

When you get to the top of this mountain, you overlook the entire park, the plains of the Kalahari. It's usually not as lush as the photos I posted, as Namibia is very short on water. When I went, they had a miraculous amount of rain, so all the greenery came to life. Either way, the view is amazing, and the colours in the rocks of the plateau are so vibrant. The hike is worth your while I can promise you that. 

On a side note, through all the lodges you can sign up for a safari, and they will actually take you to the top of the plateau, further back to the water holes to fond animals such as giraffes, rhinos, water buffalo, leopards etc.  

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