Estacada, Oregon

Looking for the best photography in Estacada? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Estacada. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Photography Spots in and near Estacada

  • National Forest Development Road 4220, Oregon

    Hike to Gifford Lake

    3 mi / 500 ft gain
    Set out at the Lower Lake trailhead along trail #717. After only half a mile the trail opens up to Lower Lake, with views of Olallie Butte. The trail winds around the north east side of the lake and you come to a junctions with trail #706. From here take the left onto #706 and continue about .6 o...
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  • National Forest Development Road 4220, Oregon

    Olallie Lake North Basin Loop

    12.05 mi / 2021 ft gain
    Begin at the Lower Lake Campground and take the Lower Lake trailhead. The best direction to hike is counter clockwise, however you can do either.  Continue along Trail #717 and very shortly you come out to Lower Lake featuring Mt. Jefferson as the backdrop. From here keep hiking and you reach yo...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Starvation Creek Falls

    The Starvation Creek Falls drops 141ft down into a naturally formed bowl, cascading past a wooded picnic area and onto the Columbia River. The falls are one of the easiest falls to access in the Columbia River Gorge along with Multnomah Falls, but are far less Crowded. The short 300ft walk from t...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Mount Defiance

    12.55 mi / 5167 ft gain
    This hike starts at the Starvation Creek Rest Area. After parking, head west back along the shoulder of the freeway, where you’ll see a wooden sign stating “Mt. Defiance Trail.” Continue heading west along the abandoned Columbia River Highway. Keep going west as you pass the junction with the Sta...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Lower Starvation Ridge Loop

    2.69 mi / 1001 ft gain
    Starvation Creek Falls is an impressive 190 ft. waterfall just a few feet from the parking lot. If you don't know it's there, you'll miss it. Keep walking past the restrooms, away from the trail head to see this beautiful two-tiered waterfall. There are a couple of picnic tables near the creek to...
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  • Cascade Locks, Oregon

    Warren and Lancaster Falls

    1.89 mi / 571 ft gain
    The hike along Mt. Defiance Trail to Warren and Lancaster Falls is great if you want to get away from some of the more crowded destinations in the gorge, or just want to catch some shade during the summer. The trail is fairly easygoing, though the last 1/4th of a mile to Lancaster Falls is a bit ...
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  • Detroit, Oregon

    Boca Cave & Triangulation Peak

    4.75 mi / 1053 ft gain
    Triangulation Peak, Spire Rock and Boca Cave TH #3372 The trail starts on level ground where you travel east along the top of the ridge. There are multiple trees that have fallen across the trail making the hike quite adventurous. Some trees you'll go over and some you will need to go under. Dep...
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  • Marion County, Oregon

    Explore Mt. Jefferson

    I went for a quick overnighter. The end of August is great for weather, very little bugs, and perfect time to meet and chat with PCT through hikers.The weather was absolutely perfect for night photography and lounging around camp. It's also one of the best views in Oregon if you ask me.If you're ...
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  • Marion County, Oregon

    Hike Mt. Jefferson's Park Ridge

    7.4 mi / 1500 ft gain
    From the Breightenbush Lake PCT trailhead (5,600ft Elevation) you hike through a thick forest until you reach an old burn area. This area was burned from a forest fire and has rebirthed lush green plants and bushes to help feed all the animals in the area. After a mile of climbing through the bur...
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  • Cook, Washington

    Spirit Falls

    1.5 mi / 516 ft gain
    NOTE: Access to this hike is currently closed. A Part of this hike goes through private land. At this time, the landowner is not granting access to hikers. There are no signs or trail head for the falls, but it's a popular spot for kayakers and photographers, so look for a faint boot path direct...
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  • Amboy, Washington

    Siouxon Trail to 14 Mile Falls

    13.03 mi / 2310 ft gain
    When you park at the top of the trail, all you see is layers and layers of emerald trees and ground clear of any underbrush. Once on the trail, you start on a rapid decline that brings you to the first of the many streams along this hike. Cross the bridge made out of logs and head towards the ma...
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  • McMinnville, Oregon

    Hike the Red Trail in Miller Woods

    4 mi / 400 ft gain
    Located three miles west of McMinnville and available for public hiking and activities, Miller Woods is owned and operated by Yamhill SWCD. You may choose different trails to take.From the parking lot the trails are marked by colors to go on the 4.0 mile loop go to the meadow and follow the red m...
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  • Detroit, Oregon

    Russell Lake via Whitewater Creek Trailhead

    11.4 mi / 1926 ft gain
    This hike begins 7.5 miles down Whitewater Road at the Whitewater Trailhead, about 10 miles east of Detroit Lake. The road is bumpy, but can be navigated at slow speeds, even without four-wheel drive. Make sure to fill out a wilderness pass once you arrive at the trailhead. The trail is very wel...
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  • Woodland, Washington

    Explore the Cedar Grist Mill

    After parking in the lot near the mill, walk across the bridge. This is the first good viewpoint for photography. Next, I recommend walking under the bridge, this is my favorite spot for taking photos. The whole area is free to walk around, you can even walk in the mill and then walk up stream do...
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  • Carson, Washington

    Falls Creek Falls

    5.82 mi / 1512 ft gain
    The trail to Falls Creek Falls is well maintained with a few short moderately steep areas. The trail hugs the creek for the first mile, and takes you through old growth trees for the second mile. Once the falls are in sight, make sure to stop and look up to see the top tier through the trees. It'...
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  • Carson, Washington

    Panther Creek Falls

    0.64 mi / 180 ft gain
    This hidden beauty is just north of Carson, Washington. Watch for Panther Creek campground signs and follow the twisting road about 7 miles to a rock quarry and park there. The trail begins just off the road about 50 yards back - keep an eye out for signs for the trailhead and listen for the fall...
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