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Centerville, Utah

Looking for the best photography in Centerville? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Centerville. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Photography Spots in and near Centerville

  • Alta, Utah

    Ski Little Cottonwood Canyon

    It's no secret that Little Cottonwood Canyon (LCC) is home to some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the lower 48, if not North America. What many people are not aware of is the extremely easy and quick access from Salt Lake City.Enter the Dawn Patrollers. Skiers and snowboarders from Salt L...
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  • Alta, Utah

    Milky Way Astrophotography At Alta

    Early spring is a unique time to photograph the Milky Way due to its low angle and the distinctive perspective of its galactic core. The low angle position of the Milky Way arc during the early morning hours, prior to dawn, allows for some striking panoramas, with the still snow-covered Wasatch M...
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  • Alta, Utah

    Backcountry Ski Grizzly Gulch

    1.5 mi / 1400 ft gain
    To get to the Grizzly Gulch trailhead, drive up Little Cottonwood until you reach Alta Ski Resort. Keep left along the road and park in the upper Alta parking lot. Head up the cat track with all the cats and snowmobiles parked to the side. About 100 yards up, you'll take a left and head up the st...
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  • Alta, Utah

    Albion Meadows Trail

    2.86 mi / 696 ft gain
    At Albion Basin, wildflowers you will see include lupine, Indian paintbrush, American bistort, sunflowers, fireweed, and many more! Drive to the very top of Little Cottonwood Canyon and park at the Albion Grill. There is a trail just behind the Grill that takes you through a variety of wildflowe...
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  • Sandy, Utah

    Photograph Little Cottonwood Creek at Snowbird

    Little Cottonwood Creek flows right through Snowbird Ski Resort and there are a few beautiful locations to go shoot the river at. The best place to start hiking down the river is right by where the tram takes off. That is just below the Cliff Lodge and right by the Peruvian Lift. There's a res...
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  • Alta, Utah

    Cecret Lake from Albion Basin

    4.48 mi / 1214 ft gain
    The out-and-back trail from Albion Basin to Cecret Lake climbs a gentle slope and along the way there are interpretive signs with information about the basin, its plants, animals and geology. From the lake you can return the same way you came, or explore the area more. If you head there during t...
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  • Alta, Utah

    Spring Backcountry Ski Alta Ski Area

    5 mi / 1800 ft gain
    Still have the skiing itch but it's late in the spring and the resorts have closed and the other backcountry skiing areas have melted? No problem, just head up to Alta Ski Area and get some amazing backcountry corn skiing laps in.  Drive up Little Cottonwood Canyon all the way to the top and park...
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  • Salt Lake City, Utah

    Photograph Guardsman Pass & The Alpine Loop

    Since this is a loop you can start at either end, but this is the way we did it. Start driving up Big Cottonwood Canyon. Enjoy the views and take in the impressive peaks on either side of the road. See the changes in vegetation as you gain elevation in the canyon. As you near the top and pass Sol...
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  • Brighton, Utah

    Photograph Star Trails at Silver Lake

    1 mi
    Silver Lake is one of the easiest, most accessible hikes in the Wasatch, located at the top of Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah, close to the ski resorts of Brighton and Solitude.The lake is accessible all year; with a boardwalk or a well-signed path circling the lake through spring to fall. In the wi...
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  • Brighton, Utah

    Hike and Camp at the Twin Lakes Reservoir

    5 mi / 650 ft gain
    The trailhead begins at the Solitude Nordic Center. Walking around Silver Lake, you get a chance to observe the ducks and lovely wetlands area. This trail then leads you into the lower aspens, and if you are hiking just as fall colors have begun to emerge, they create a glowing effect in the wood...
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  • Salt Lake City, Utah

    Silver Lake

    0.94 mi / 49 ft gain
    This quick hike to a beautiful lake in the Wasatch Mountains is perfect for the whole family. Park at the visitor center at the Silver Lake Recreation Area near Brighton Ski Resort, pick up a trail map and walk behind the building to find the trailhead. You can also pick up a wildflower guide at ...
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  • Salt Lake City, Utah

    Hike Mount Wolverine

    4 mi / 1425 ft gain
    This mountain can be conquered two ways and is a great after-work adventure to watch the sunset, an early morning trail run, or a fun family challenge. The trail is 4 miles and 1,425 feet elevation gain (from the Alta side) or 6 miles and 2,050 feet (from the Brighton side). Both routes converge ...
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  • Brighton, Utah

    Hike Lakes Mary, Martha and Catherine (Brighton Lakes)

    4.41 mi / 1253 ft gain
    This trail is a local favorite because you can make it as hard or as easy as you want it to be! You can stop at the first lake which is only 1 mile from the parkinglot, or you can go to the top of one or more of the 5 peaks that are surrounding the lakes for an added challenge. It is 3.5 miles ro...
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  • Salt Lake City, Utah

    Night Photography at Brighton

    1 mi / 500 ft gain
    Park at the main parking lot at Brighton Ski Resort and head up the hill (under the Majestic Lift is a good place to start). Hiking is generally easy, even with snow on the ground, due to compaction of the snowpack during the daytime. However, snowshoeing and skinning with skis can be a good alte...
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  • Salt Lake City, Utah

    Backpack to Bloods and Lackawaxen Lakes

    4 mi / 1040 ft gain
    This trail is just outside of Big Cottonwood Canyon which forbids both dogs and swimming due to the Salt Lake watershed. As a result, dogs and swimming are more than welcome. Blood Lake and Lackawaxen Lake Trailhead can be reached by driving up Big Cottonwood approximately 15 miles until the tur...
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  • Draper, Utah

    Lone Peak via the Cherry Creek Logging Trail

    14.8 mi / 6378 ft gain
    You start this trail at the Orson Smith Park in Draper.  It joins with the Bonneville Shoreline Trail briefly before turning off onto the cherry creek logging trail.  It switchbacks for a long ways exposed on towards the valley.  It is fairly steep in places, but doable.  I had tennis shoes with ...
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