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Woodinville, Washington

Looking for the best photography in Woodinville? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Woodinville. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Photography Spots in and near Woodinville

  • North Bend, Washington

    Bandera Mountain

    7.8 mi / 3176 ft gain
    This hike has unreal views of Mount Rainier. On a great clear spring day, the mountain is out. It's right in your face. It's incredible. If you tackle this hike in the spring the bear grass and wildflowers are alive and blooming towards the top and it makes for some fantastic picture-taking. Once...
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  • North Bend, Washington

    McClellan Butte

    10.61 mi / 3629 ft gain
    Starting at the McClellan's Butte Trailhead, right off of I-90 exit 47, head out on the main (only) trail at the trailhad. The first half mile of the trail is quite easy as it meanders through the forest, but don't be fooled or worried, it will get harder. This first half mile has a crossing of a...
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  • Seabeck, Washington

    Guillemont Cove Stump House and Beach House

    3.54 mi / 709 ft gain
    Have you ever been inside a stump house? This is your chance! Just outside of Seabeck, Washington lies a hobbit stump house tucked into a mossy forest on the shores of Guillemont Cove. Drive to Seabeck, turn right onto Miami Beach Road, bear left onto Stavis Bay road and continue for 4.5 miles...
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  • Brinnon, Washington

    Rocky Brook Falls

    0.25 mi / 141 ft gain
    To find the falls, head north up Hwy. 101 past Brinnon, Washington and hang a left at Dosewallips Rd. Keep an eye on the mile markers. Right after mile three and crossing a small bridge, there's a parking area on the left side enough for about 6 cars.  The hike to Rocky Brook Falls is a short on...
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  • Granite Falls, Washington

    Dispersed Camp near Beaver Creek Group Camp, Mt. Baker Snoqualmie NF

    This campsite is located along the Mountain  Loop Highway. There are various options for dispersed camping around the area, as well as some you can reserve ahead of time such as the Coal Creek Campground and the Beaver Creek Group Campground. This campsite is located just before Beaver Creek grou...
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  • Granite Falls, Washington

    Big Four Ice Caves

    2.38 mi / 289 ft gain
    Disclaimer: Hiking into the caves is extremely dangerous as there is potential for the ice to fall. We do not recommend hiking inside of them and if you choose to do so, you're doing it at your own risk. This is a short hike at just 2.3 miles roundtrip with little elevation change. The hike take...
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  • Granite Falls, Washington

    Snowshoe to Coal Lake

    13 mi / 1600 ft gain
    https://www.theoutbound.com/wa...Starting out at the Deer Creek gate of Mountain Loop Highway the road is flat and uneventful for the first 2 miles or so, though it does offer some great views of the Big Four as well as a few other peaks and the babbling south fork of the Stillaguamish river. The...
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  • Granite Falls, Washington

    Hike to Perry Creek Falls & Mount Forgotten Meadows

    11.5 mi / 3700 ft gain
    Most visitors park at this trailhead to hike Dickerman Mountain.  Until this spring, so did I.  However, don't overlook this stunning valley hike to Perry Creek, Mount Forgotten Meadows, and the scramble up Mount Forgotten!Begin this hike on the Perry Creek trail, which begins on the far left sid...
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  • Granite Falls, Washington

    Mt. Dickerman Summit

    7.93 mi / 3675 ft gain
    In general, this is a strenuous hike or snowshoe at approximately 8 miles round trip with nearly 4000 elevation gain. Be aware of current snow conditions and avalanche risk if heading up in the winter. Do not attempt a winter trip without proper knowledge, skill, and gear. Some previous winter tr...
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  • Skykomish, Washington

    Backpack from Dorothy Lake Trailhead to Snoqualmie Lake

    18 mi / 1900 ft gain
    The trail was not crowded although when we got to Snoqualmie Lake there were only a couple camping spots left. The trail up from Dorothy is not too hard at all. The weather was perfect. After passing Dorothy you have to ford a creek where the bridge has been washed out. We went through it on foot...
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  • Arlington, Washington

    Boulder River Trail

    8.12 mi / 1424 ft gain
    Boulder River is a great outing for those days when you feel like you just need a good hike through the forest. This makes for a nice long day hike, but because both of the large waterfalls are within the first half of the trail, you can still see the falls without going the whole way. One of the...
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  • Snohomish County, Washington

    Hike to Glacier Basin

    13 mi / 2600 ft gain
    Start off by traveling down the Mountain Loop Highway, arriving at the Barlow Pass Trailhead. You will walk about 200ft to reach an old gated road. This road will lead you towards Monte Cristo. About 1.5 miles down the road, the road will start to turn into a trail that runs along the river. You ...
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  • Granite Falls, Washington

    Gothic Basin

    8.74 mi / 2785 ft gain
    Looking for a hike that will make you feel like you're in a foreign landscape, but don't have to deal with that far of a drive? Then consider hiking Gothic Basin. This hike is located only 30 miles down the Mountain Loop Highway, which is nearly a hour shorter for people that live in the greater ...
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  • Granite Falls, Washington

    Foggy Lake via Gothic Basin

    9.78 mi / 3179 ft gain
    Drive the Mountain Loop Highway to Barlow Pass and park at the pass using your Northwest Forest Pass. (In early or late season, be aware of snow conditions at the pass and, more importantly, along the trail up to Gothic Basin.) From Barlow Pass, start hiking south past the trail gate and in the ...
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  • Granite Falls, Washington

    Climb Del Campo Peak, WA

    Begin by parking at Barlow Pass and following the Gothic Basin Trail to Foggy Lake. Most of the trip's mileage is consumed by just getting to Foggy Lake, from here, the summit sits about 3/4 of a mile distant and over a thousand above you.Face the mountain and identify the obvious leftward trendi...
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  • Port Townsend, Washington

    Hike to Point Wilson

    2.5 mi / 0 ft gain
    This trail offers amazing views of Mt. Baker, Vancouver Island, the San Juan Islands, and the Cascade Mountains. The Point Wilson trail is located in Fort Worden State Park on the Olympic Peninsula, along the Strait of Juan De Fuca. The trail is 2.5 miles round trip, and is accessible regardless ...
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