Alison Harris

This is a great hike! Really beautiful. We veered off and went up the coastal trail and down to Pirate's Cove (take the upper Tennessee trail and then you'll see signs for the coastal trail/pirate's cove). Pirate's cove is to the west and down. It's a bit of a scramble to get down to the cove and back up again. This is out and back if you park at the Tennessee valley trailhead. Can easily be done in a morning or afternoon. Really clear/easy signage and if you're feeling like you want more of a challenge or want to explore more, there are plenty of trails around. I took a picture of a sign that had a map on it for reference. That sign is about a quarter to half mile in right where the chaparral trail veers off. Tennessee beach is also a nice spot to picnic for the day if you want to take it easy. We did this on a sunny day in late March and there were still pretty wildflowers in bloom. Be sure to layer up as it can be hot in the sun but cool and windy when the sun gets lower on the horizon and/or the fog comes in.