Hike, Run, or Bike the I&M Canal Trail

LaSalle, Illinois

based on 1 reviews



9.7 miles

Elevation Gain

409 ft

Route Type



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Perfect trail for getting your heart rate up and for clearing the mind.

Park off of Joliet St. (see map) to access the trail. This trail is paved, shared by runners, hikers, and bikers, and is accessible from April to October. 

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Mountain Biking
Family Friendly
ADA Accessible

Hike, Run, or Bike the I&M Canal Trail Reviews

The I&M Canal (to my knowledge), runs from Joliet, Illinois to Utica, Illinois. I have only been on a portion of the trail in Morris, Illinois. The trail runs along the old canal for miles on end. It passes rivers, lakes, marshy wetlands, little towns, and through forests. The trail is pretty well maintained except for a bridge that collapsed due to flooding years back and was never repaired without the money to do so. This trail is perfect to use if you are looking to get a afternoon walk in or if you are looking to catch some fish. I have seen some kayakers on the canal, but I personally would not recommend kayaking just because there are several downed trees from past storms. If you are looking for a nice, peaceful, and not very used trail, this is perfect for you.

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