Karen Lawrance

https://www.nps.gov/cabr/planyourvisit/conditions.htm Cabrillo Sea Cave Closed All Visitors are advised that the Cabrillo Sea Cave is located within a closed area of the park. The Sea Cave and nearby area have been closed since the 1980s due to extremely dangerous conditions and to comply with the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Entry into this area is not permitted at any time. Violators are subject to federal fines and sentencing. Marine mammals use this area and are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Approaching and/or disturbing marine mammals (i.e., seals and sea lions) and their young is not allowed. Doing so is a violation of the Act, and violators are subject to fines and sentencing. The cave was created by sudden and catastrophic sandstone erosion and rock falls. Periodic bluff collapse is constant along the California coast. To avoid injury, stay back from cliff edges and do not walk under overhangs or along the base of escarpment faces.