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13.5 mile Run...Echo to Glen

South Lake Tahoe, California

based on 1 reviews



13.5 miles


Added by Tahoe Mountain Milers

Echo Lakes to Glen Alpine. Starting at Echo Lakes Chalet, this trail run follows the Pacific Crest Trail north through Desolation Wilderness. REMEMBER TO FILL OUT THE "SELF-ISSUE" WILDERNESS DAY USE PERMIT JUST-IN-CASE.

The trail skirts around the east side of both upper and lower Echo lakes. At this point, the trail begins to climb towards Haypress Meadow. Once cresting st Haypress Meadow, you'll begin a short descent into the Aloha Lake Basin. The landscape in the Aloha Lake Bain is truely a "lunar landscape on earth". At the north end of Aloha lake you'll take the Heather/Suzie lakes trail to the east until the trail connects with the Glen Alpine/Gilmore Lake trail. Turn right at this junction and follow the trail back to historic Glen Alpine. Continued past the old Glen Alpine lodge and follow the dirt road back past Lily Lake to the Lilly Lake Trail Head. Source

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13.5 mile Run...Echo to Glen Reviews

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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