Lindsay Tamm

Trail runner and backcountry skier based in North Iceland.

We did this recently as a day hike in January. It took about 5 hours round trip moving at a good pace but still stopping for lunch at the top and waitig for fog to clear to get a good glimpse of the glacier. Despite a massive rain storm the day before, the trail was in good condition on the way up, although rain on the descent accumulated quickly on the trail. The only downside to this trail was the evident overuse due to it's massive popularity. There was trash on the side of the trail and I saw people taking some not-too-discreet toilet opportunities up at the top.

Dis beach is da best!

Nice write-up of Súlur! This route is also a very popular trail run in the Summer and Fall. When the trail isn't snowy, be prepared for some seriously boggy sections at the beginning. And as always in Iceland, stay safe and use the 112 Iceland app for all your backcountry adventures.