Luan Baruti

I'm a Swiss guy enjoying the mountainscapes I live in.

Watch the Sunrise from Arthur's Seat

Edinburgh, United Kingdom
2.4 mi / 650 ft gain

Explore Dala Gorge

Leukerbad, Switzerland

Hiking on Torrenthorn

Leukerbad, Switzerland
1862.2 mi / 2132.5 ft gain

Hike to Lämmeren Cabin and Lake

Leukerbad, Switzerland
5 mi / 492.1 ft gain

Photograph the Matterhorn

Zermatt, Switzerland

Hiking Along The Great Aletsch Glacier

Bettmeralp, Switzerland

Hike Majing Lake

Leukerbad, Switzerland
2.5 mi / 656.2 ft gain

Hike up Gemmi Pass

Leukerbad, Switzerland
2.1 mi / 3074.1 ft gain

Lake Dauben Loop

Leukerbad, Switzerland
3.08 mi / 312 ft gain