Paula Andrea

Long hike, the way there is definitely tougher as it’s mostly going up the entire time. When you start climbing the mountain there are some spots of the trail that are breaking apart so just be careful. The scenery is absolutely insane, it is definitely worth the hike if you’re going early. My Shiba Inu got through it like nothing except wherever there was water involved lol. Way back is super easy as you’re mostly heading downwards but BEWARE of rattle snakes and tarantulas .. we made it back to the car in one hour and 23 minutes (yes we checked) my dog was almost bit by a damn rattle snake so as any dog mom would, I carried her the last 50 minutes back. Safe to say we had a huge work out and I can’t feel my arms today lol. Just be careful and leave way before the sun starts to go down so you don’t have encounters with dangerous wildlife like we did. Always keep in mind we are the visitors in their home and stay prepared.