Raul Martinez

The two washouts have closed the main 10 mile road but that leaves you the perfect opportunity to turn this into either a day bike uphill with a small 2.2 mile hike in to the hot springs, or a weekend bike and hike in a beautiful campground that used to belong to a 1920’s resort. once you’re done simply get back on your bike and coast the entire way downhill for 10 miles rather than hiking out. Along the way, you pass the old remnants of a dam with an amazing view of the valley. Trust me, it’s worth the uphill bike ride.

The narrows are gorgeous beyond words. It's a humbling experience and magical as the colors change throughout the day. Easy to do.

There are other hikes you can add unto with proper permits as well, like 'das boot, that adds to the excitement. Neoprene socks is all you really need during the hot summer if you're fit. Older folks, recommend a suit, I would. And if you're brave enough there's an underwater tunnel pothole at the subway! Have the proper canyoneering experience, of course. Be safe. Go Utes! 🙌🏽