Mariposa County, California

Looking for the best backpacking in Mariposa County? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Mariposa County. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Backpacking Spots in and near Mariposa County

  • Madera County, California

    John Muir Trail: Camping at Lake Ediza Junction

    NOTE: there are some camping closures in this area. Read here for more details. The Lake Ediza Junction has several great spots to camp. Try to find a spot that will have long afternoon sun as some spots will fall under the shadow of the ridge to the west. There are some sunny campsites along the...
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  • Lee Vining, California

    Hike to Upper Sardine Lake

    Directions (from south of June Lake): 395 northTurn right onto the 158Keep right at fork onto Parker Lake Rd and go about 0.5 milesTurn right at first right and head all the way to the top until you hit a parking lot/camping ground/trail head From North of June Lake: 395 southTurn left at 158Keep...
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  • Madera County, California

    Backpack the Shadows of the Minarets Loop

    16 mi
    Ansel Adams Wilderness is located in Mammoth Lakes, California. The trail to Lake Ediza is frequently traveled and is usually completed as an out-and-back day hike. In the summer, from 7am-7pm the road to the trail head is inaccessible to cars. To reach the trailhead you must take the shuttle fro...
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  • Mammoth Lakes, California

    Agnew Meadows to Tuolumne Meadows

    30.27 mi / 4757 ft gain
    Unlike most through hikes that require two cars or hitchhiking, you can accomplish this with only one car by using a YART. Another benefit is that by entering in Mammoth, it is usually much easier to get permits as opposed to starting in Yosemite where permits can be harder to get. Then once yo...
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  • Madera County, California

    Thousand Island Lake via Agnew Meadows

    19.6 mi / 3642 ft gain
    Start from Agnew Meadows about 7 miles away. You can take the High Trail out as part of the River Trail with a long detour passing by several other scenic lakes, including Shadow Lake, Garnet Lake, and Ruby Lake. You will arrive at Thousand Island Lake a few hours after lunch, just in time to set...
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  • Madera County, California

    Ediza Lake via Agnew Meadows

    13.54 mi / 1804 ft gain
    Start at the Agnew Meadows Trailhead. You will need to arrive before 7:30AM or take the Shuttle from Mammoth Mountain. Start out by heading north on the John Muir Trail. You will pass Shadow Lake; walk around the south side of the lake for mountain views. Then, follow the trail up Shadow Creek u...
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  • Madera County, California

    Ansel Adams' Garnet Lake

    14.46 mi / 2717 ft gain
    Garnet Lake is one of the premier stops along the Pacific Crest Trail. However, even if you don't have time for an entire thru-hike (like most of us), this beautiful lake is still easily accessible as an overnight trip! While there are many possible routes for reaching Garnet Lake, the Agnew Me...
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  • Madera County, California

    Cecile Lake via Agnew Meadows

    16.11 mi / 2667 ft gain
    Located in the heart of the Ansel Adams Wilderness, Cecile Lake can be reached from a variety of trailheads. I chose to start out in Agnew Meadows. From here, the trail criss-crosses through a serene lowland environment with several crystal clear streams. After passing Olaine Lake, veer left an...
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  • Madera County, California

    Climb Mount Ritter

    Mt Ritter is a long climb, but it is worth the effort. Start out by establishing camp at Ediza Lake prior to your ascent. The SE Glacier route (first ascent by John Muir) follows the path of least resistance up the SE side of Mt Ritter.The route first gains a broad bench below Ritter and Banner P...
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  • Madera County, California

    Backpack to Waugh Lake

    11 mi / 1000 ft gain
    There are several trailheads you can start at to get to the lake, but we chose the River Trail in Agnew Meadows because it was the only trailhead that hadn't met the quota yet. You can check on permit's and trailheads here. If the River Trail is booked other great options are Shadow Creek, Fish C...
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  • Lee Vining, California

    Backpack Virginia Lakes to Green Creek

    10.5 mi / 1234 ft gain
    Keep in mind that this is a point to point hike, so you will need to park a vehicle at Green Creek trailhead in Bridgeport as well as your start point at Virginia Lakes Resort.Starting at 9,886' at The Virginia Lakes Trailhead, you will begin by heading Northwest towards Virginia Pass. During yo...
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  • Mammoth Lakes, California

    Backpack to Garnet Lake

    14 mi / 2030 ft gain
    Although this trip specifically describes how to get to Garnet Lake, there are several other pristine alpine lakes (Shadow Lake and Thousand Islands Lake) along this looped trail, only a few short miles away from each other, that are just as worthy if you have the time. A minimum of 3 days/2 nigh...
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  • Mammoth Lakes, California

    Backpack from Mammoth Mountain to Yosemite Valley via the John Muir Trail

    52 mi / 6300 ft gain
    Cross country hiking can be a daunting idea. There are so many things to plan for, and such a long distance to cover. If you are an experienced backpacker, and you want to get a taste of hiking on the John Muir Trail this hike might interest you.  Planning GPS Map (Caltopo):
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  • Bridgeport, California

    Backpack to Green Lake and Virginia Pass

    17 mi / 4452 ft gain
    Day 1 Green Creek Trailhead to Green Lake When we went on this hike, it was primarily to explore the area and see if it would be a feasible entrance to Northern Yosemite for extended backpacking trips.   However, it also is a great two night trip to a lovely area of the Hoover Wilderness.  Best...
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  • Pinecrest, California

    Backpack to Chain Lakes

    4.4 mi / 864 ft gain
    This trip begins at ~7500 feet at the Box Springs Trailhead This trail is at the end of Forest Route 3N20Y. The trail, which is not regularly maintained and may at times be hard to follow, initially descends slightly to 7300', then stays mostly flat before rising just before the lakes. You will p...
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  • Mammoth Lakes, California

    Duck Lake via Duck Pass Trail

    9.29 mi / 1880 ft gain
    The Duck Pass trail in the John Muir Wilderness combines breathtaking views, wildflowers and plenty of icy mountain lakes for swimming into a trail that is moderate in both difficulty and distance. With multiple lakes along the way to pitch your tent and plenty of day hike options from a base cam...
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