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Pleasanton, California

Pleasanton, California is home to some of the best outdoor activities and attractions. From scenic trails to outdoor adventures, there's something for everyone. Must-visit attractions include the Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area, and the Pleasanton Golf Center. For the best trails and activities, head to the Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park for a hike or bike ride. Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area is great for fishing, swimming, and picnicking. Pleasanton Golf Center is a great spot for golfers of all levels. Whether you're looking for a peaceful day outdoors or an exciting experience, Pleasanton has it all.

Top Spots in and near Pleasanton

  • San Francisco, California

    Sutro Baths Ruins

    Whether you simply look down on the ruins from the [conveniently located] parking lot above, or choose to walk down the stairs and explore, you will be greeted with stunning views of the Baths, and the Pacific Ocean stretching infinitely beyond. The highlight of any trip to the Sutro Baths is ...
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  • Half Moon Bay, California

    Catch the Sunset at Maverick's Beach

    1 mi
    Maverick's beach is most well-known for the Maverick surf competition and the gnarly waves which surface here in the winter months. For the rest of the year, the beach is still a site to see. With huge waves crashing ¼ mile off shore and bluffs towering 100 feet above you, it’s a picturesque plac...
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  • San Francisco, California

    Bouldering at Ocean Beach

    Tired of climbing in a gym, check out one of the city's best outdoor climbing spots! Below the Cliff House at the north-end of Ocean Beach, there are several great bouldering problems and a retaining wall to climb. The rock is comprised of greenstone and sandstone with cracks and edges. These rou...
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  • Moss Beach, California

    Pillar Point Bluff Loop

    1.84 mi / 154 ft gain
    Sitting on a 140 acre bluff top, the Pillar Point Bluffs are a simple, easy hike with breathtaking views throughout. The bluffs are 22 miles from San Francisco – a 30 minute drive depending on the traffic. There is a small 10 car or so parking lot off of Airport Blvd, but there are two additional...
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  • Sausalito, California

    Slacker Hill

    1.02 mi / 344 ft gain
    Although the Headlands can be crowded, particularly at the parking-lot chaos of the Vista Point and pull-offs along Conzelman Road, the three routes leading to the summit of Slacker Hill remain relatively quiet, even during busy weekends. Each can be tied into larger loops throughout the Headland...
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  • Sausalito, California

    Ninja Loop

    9.37 mi / 1831 ft gain
    This loop can start from several different locations, including Rodeo Beach and the Golden Gate Bridge parking lot. Starting from the GGB will add 2 more miles onto this run. I like to start at the Coastal Trailhead parking lot off of McCullough and Conzelman Roads (just a notch down from Hawk Hi...
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  • Sausalito, California

    Marin Headlands Trail Loop

    10.5 mi / 1990 ft gain
    This trail starts at the Coastal Trail in Marin Headlands Park, where there's a small parking lot and outhouse bathroom off the circle when coming from Conzelman Road.Take the Coastal Trail until you intersect with Bunker Road (you can even turn right and spit off the trail just before intersecti...
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  • Sausalito, California

    Hawk Hill

    0.76 mi / 144 ft gain
    If you're leaving from SF, head over the bridge and exit onto Alexander Ave. Make the immediate left under the overpass and you'll be on the road to Hawk Hill. There's a parking area just below the gate leading up to Hawk Hill. From the parking lot you can walk west about ten yards along the outs...
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  • Moss Beach, California

    Cypress Tree Tunnels at Moss Beach

    0.79 mi / 105 ft gain
    The Cypress Tree Tunnels are a quick jaunt from San Francisco (22 miles) and make for a great half-day trip. Getting here depends on traffic, but 30 minutes from the center of the city is doable. Parking is relatively easy. You can either park at the south end of the area at the Cypress Cove entr...
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  • Moss Beach, California

    Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

    0.89 mi / 46 ft gain
    Located beside a residential neighborhood, Fitzgerald Marine Reserve offers a rare glimpse of life in the northern California intertidal zones. There are parking spaces and restrooms available, as well as ranger-led guided tours. Be sure to check the tide charts and go during low tide (preferab...
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  • Sausalito, California

    Black Sands Beach

    0.54 mi / 285 ft gain
    Black Sand Beach is a beautiful, mile-long stretch of black sand just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. On a sunny day, it’s best to try and arrive in the morning, as the parking lot can fill up quickly. To get down to the beach, you’ll need to hike for about 5 minutes down 250 or so wooden steps....
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  • Half Moon Bay, California

    Stroll along the Southern Beaches at San Gregorio State Beach

    2.9 mi / 413 ft gain
    Not a trail per se, but approximately 3 miles (down and back) of beautiful beach to walk down. Lots of interesting caves, wild animals, and rock formations to discover. This is a popular location for sea kayakers. San Gregorio State Beach was originally founded to protect the estuary at the back ...
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  • Mill Valley, California

    Rodeo Cove to Point Bonita Lighthouse

    3.64 mi / 568 ft gain
    If you're looking for a little hike and a lot of beach, you'll find your ideal combo at Rodeo Beach and Point Bonita Lighthouse. Park at the Marin Headlands Visitor Center at the head of the 0.8 mile trail to the beach. From the lighthouse to the beach, it will be another 1.5-2 miles there and ba...
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  • Tiburon, California

    Bouldering at Ring Mountain

    0.5 mi / 400 ft gain
    Itching to climb outdoors near San Francisco?  With only a quick drive from the city, Ring Mountain is a beautiful nature preserve overlooking the city of San Francisco offering two main rock formations, Turtle Rock (Pictured) and Split Rock.  Split Rock is the slabby rock south of the parking ar...
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  • Morgan Hill, California

    Backpack to Coit Lake

    26 mi
    This trail can be started from Coe Headquarters or Hunting Hollow Trailhead. The trail from Coe HQ is 2 miles longer, almost all elevation but provides beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. These directions will be starting from Coe HQ.Follow the loop around the parking area to the backpa...
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  • Morgan Hill, California

    Backpack to Mississippi Lake

    26.4 mi / 3600 ft gain
    If you're tired of trying and failing to get reservations for backcountry camping around the bay area, then Henry Coe State Park is the perfect place to visit. No reservations need to be made prior to the trip. All you need to do is get to the HQ on the morning of your trip, get your permits and ...
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