Rollinsville, Colorado

Looking for the best mountain biking in Rollinsville? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Rollinsville. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Mountain Biking Spots in and near Rollinsville

  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike the Blue Grouse Trail Loop

    6 mi / 400 ft gain
    Start the hike at the Blue Grouse Trailhead located next to Kriley Pond. Travel along Blue Grouse Trail for 0.7 miles until you reach a fork in the trail at Mule Trail where you will take a right. Along the Mule Trail you will travel up a series of switch backs before the trail levels out and you...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike the Mountain Lion Trail

    6.7 mi / 1230 ft gain
    There are three parking lots with direct access to the Mountain Lion Trail. The main one is off of Crawford Gulch Road, but any of them are good starting points!  This loop has pretty similar elevation gain and loss profiles no matter which way you go, so you can go any direction. This adventure ...
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Hike or Bike the Walker Ranch Loop

    7.7 mi / 1740 ft gain
    When it comes to hiking trails in Boulder, the standard response usually consists of either Chautauqua Park or Mt. Sanitas, and while both offer excellent hiking options, they are both usually jam packed on the weekends. If you’re looking to stay close to the city, but want a little more seclusio...
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Mountain Bike the Betasso Preserve

    3.3 mi / 564 ft gain
    The Betasso Preserve features two loop trails that are accessible to both hikers and mountain bikers.  Drive up (west) Boulder Canyon about 15 minutes outside of Boulder and turn right (north)  on Sugarloaf Dr.  After another 5 or so minutes you'll see a sign on the right-hand (northeast) side of...
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  • Idaho Springs, Colorado

    Chinns Lake Trail

    2.7 mi / 741 ft gain
    Chinns Lake Trail is an out-and-back trail that takes you by a lake located near Idaho Springs, Colorado.
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Woods Quarry via NCAR

    3.28 mi / 755 ft gain
    You can start from Chautauqua Park, but I prefer to start at NCAR, especially since there is ample parking and you can take a bathroom break inside before hitting the trail. From the intersection of Table Mesa Drive and Broadway in Boulder, drive west on Table Mesa to its end at the NCAR buildin...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike the Sawmill to Maverick Loop

    2 mi / 450 ft gain
    For this adventure, you'll be completing the Sawmill to Maverick loop. It is a short, but gentle trail that will take you through open meadows, to pine forests, and great views of Denver and Golden.Starting from the west parking area, cross the road and hit the Sawmill Trail. This trail starts ou...
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Wonderland Lake Trail

    1.85 mi / 98 ft gain
    Wonderland Lake Trail is a loop trail that takes you by a lake located near Boulder, Colorado.
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  • Evergreen, Colorado

    Private and Tranquil Retreat at Beaver Brook Watershed

    Note: This is NOT the Beaver Brook Trail in Genesee Park/Lookout Mountain! If you enjoy the scenery and ambiance of Evergreen, but Evergreen Lake has become too crowded for your tastes, Beaver Brook Watershed (owned by the City of Golden) is an excellent alternative. It’s a small, secluded area a...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Mountain Bike the North Table Mountain Loop

    7.5 mi / 890 ft gain
    Once you're parked, you can choose to ride this trail either counterclockwise or clockwise. My personal recommendation is CCW, which entails you head up the steep paved road on the east-southeast corner of the parking lot first. The climb is about 10 minutes of grunt work and then on to flat grou...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike Beaver Brook Trail at Windy Saddle Park

    5 mi / 500 ft gain
    Just outside of Golden, CO is Lookout Mountain. If you’ve ever driven westbound on i70 from Denver to the mountains, you’ve undoubtedly seen this mountain to your right with antennas on the top. On the north side of Lookout Mountain lies Windy Saddle Park, about a 30 minute drive from Denver. Thi...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike Chimney Gulch Trail at Windy Saddle Park

    5 mi / 1000 ft gain
    Just outside of Golden, CO is Lookout Mountain. If you’ve ever driven westbound on i70 from Denver to the mountains, you’ve undoubtedly seen this mountain to your right with antennas on the top. On the north side of Lookout Mountain lies Windy Saddle Park, about a 30 minute drive from Denver. Thi...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike Lookout Mountain Trail at Windy Saddle Park

    2.6 mi / 500 ft gain
    Just outside of Golden, CO is Lookout Mountain. If you’ve ever driven westbound on i70 from Denver to the mountains, you’ve undoubtedly seen this mountain to your right with antennas on the top. On the north side of Lookout Mountain lies Windy Saddle Park, about a 30 minute drive from Denver. Thi...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    South Table Mountain (Private Property)

    3.3 mi / 1500 ft gain
    This adventure crosses private property. Please do not attempt this adventure without permission from the property owner(s). Learn more JeffCO.US/1430/South-Table-Mountain-Park.  You can do this one-hour hike in every season, every temperature and at any time. The best part about this hike is th...
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  • Idaho Springs, Colorado

    ATV Leavenworth Creek Road (Guanella Pass)

    16.6 mi / 3655 ft gain
    September is famous in Colorado for clear, deep blue skies,sublimely perfect temperatures, and gold-digging – of the leaf variety, thatis. On September 9, wildflower season was recently past and the best of theleaves were yet to come, but it was the perfect, clear and sunny day to checkout the hi...
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  • Silver Plume, Colorado

    Argentine Railroad Grade

    5.35 mi / 863 ft gain
    The Argentine Central Railroad Grade trail is just what it says: it follows the old rail bed of the Argentine Central line. All railway remnants have long since been removed, and in its place is a wide, well-defined trail with an easy grade. With just a 900-foot incline over the course of about t...
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