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Silverthorne, Colorado

Looking for the best hiking in Silverthorne? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Silverthorne. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Hiking Spots in and near Silverthorne

  • Allenspark, Colorado

    Hike to Verna, Spirit, Fourth, and Fifth Lakes

    19 mi / 2460 ft gain
    This summer backpacking trip provides plenty of opportunities for exploration and endless moments to take in awe-inspiring scenery. On our visit, after setting up camp at the Lake Verna backcountry site, I quickly made my way to the next lake (Spirit Lake) to photograph the sunset. The symmetry a...
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  • Allenspark, Colorado

    Hike to Spirit Lake

    15.8 mi / 2000 ft gain
    One can reach spirit lake as a day hike, however it is most often visited as part of backpacking trip. Either way the route is the same and it starts at the East Inlet trail. To park you are supposed to pay or show your park/national lands pass. From the East Inlet trailhead you will soon pass Ad...
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  • Allenspark, Colorado

    Hike to Adams Falls

    1 mi / 113 ft gain
    Adams Falls is one of the most popular hikes in the Grand Lake area, and one of the easiest. If you are just hiking to the falls, you will not need to bring much with you besides a camera, due to the distance.  If you plan to venture past the falls, pack accordingly.  Once you park in the trail...
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  • Allenspark, Colorado

    Hike to Lone Pine Lake (Grand Lake, CO)

    10.44 mi / 1494 ft gain
    Starting at the East Inlet Trailhead, with an elevation of 8,391 feet, the trail is on a nice dirt path and you're immediately greeted with the sight of Adams Falls on your right, just 0.3 miles in. After continuing on after Adams Falls, the next 1.5 miles lead you out into the sunlight with brea...
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  • Allenspark, Colorado

    Backpack to Lake Verna

    13.5 mi / 2500 ft gain
    Want to get away it from it all and enjoy some high alpine lakes? The East Inlet Trail is just outside Grand Lake, on the westside of Rocky Mountain National Park, 2.35 miles east of Highway 34 on West Portal Road. From the trailhead, one can access 8 different campsites. The campsites are as ...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike Lookout Mountain

    2.3 mi / 675 ft gain
    Begin hiking up a trail into the forest which eventually opens up into several beautiful spots that look down into the canyon below.
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  • Morrison, Colorado

    Hike Mount Falcon

    3.7 mi
    Just a short drive from Denver up US-285 sits Mount Falcon Park, a 2,248 acre open space park managed by Jefferson County. With over 12 miles of hiking trails and stunning views of Denver and the Front Range, this park is perfect for getting in a quick adventure when you don’t feel like driving t...
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  • Grand Lake, Colorado

    Catch the Fall Colors on the West Side of Rocky Mountain NP

    A Fall adventure in Rocky Mountain National Park is among the most spectacular experiences Colorado has to offer. The change of the seasons offers an amazing change to the landscape that makes taking a bad picture darn near impossible. The light is perfect, the elk are in rut, and the mountains o...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike Beaver Brook Trail at Windy Saddle Park

    5 mi / 500 ft gain
    Just outside of Golden, CO is Lookout Mountain. If you’ve ever driven westbound on i70 from Denver to the mountains, you’ve undoubtedly seen this mountain to your right with antennas on the top. On the north side of Lookout Mountain lies Windy Saddle Park, about a 30 minute drive from Denver. Thi...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike Chimney Gulch Trail at Windy Saddle Park

    5 mi / 1000 ft gain
    Just outside of Golden, CO is Lookout Mountain. If you’ve ever driven westbound on i70 from Denver to the mountains, you’ve undoubtedly seen this mountain to your right with antennas on the top. On the north side of Lookout Mountain lies Windy Saddle Park, about a 30 minute drive from Denver. Thi...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike Lookout Mountain Trail at Windy Saddle Park

    2.6 mi / 500 ft gain
    Just outside of Golden, CO is Lookout Mountain. If you’ve ever driven westbound on i70 from Denver to the mountains, you’ve undoubtedly seen this mountain to your right with antennas on the top. On the north side of Lookout Mountain lies Windy Saddle Park, about a 30 minute drive from Denver. Thi...
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  • Independence, Ohio

    Hike Mountain Boy Ridge from the Top of Independence Pass

    6 mi
    The trailhead is to the Independence Pass viewing deck is located at the Summit parking area, which is about 20 miles from Aspen and 24 miles west of Highway 24 on the Leadville side. At the parking area you will notice a paved walkway that takes you to the viewdeck, which is a easy five minute w...
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  • Independence, Ohio

    Hike Lost Man Pass via Independence Lake

    4.5 mi / 1200 ft gain
    Park at the pull out just west of independence pass. From there, begin on the Linkin's Lake Trail. The trail is generally easy to follow (although it can be muddy as it is a wet area) and climbs 900 feet in the 1.8 miles to independence lake. From Independence lake it is about 0.5 miles and 400 f...
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  • Golden, Colorado

    Hike Mount Galbraith

    5.8 mi / 1247 ft gain
    Starting at roughly 6,000 ft. this hike will take you to the Mount Galbraith Loop Trail that circles the summit of the Mountain which peaks at 7,247 ft.  Getting there is very simple, from State Highway 93, take Golden Gate Canyon Road west approximately 1.5 miles to the parking area and trailhea...
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  • Boulder, Colorado

    Hike or Bike the Walker Ranch Loop

    7.7 mi / 1740 ft gain
    When it comes to hiking trails in Boulder, the standard response usually consists of either Chautauqua Park or Mt. Sanitas, and while both offer excellent hiking options, they are both usually jam packed on the weekends. If you’re looking to stay close to the city, but want a little more seclusio...
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  • Buena Vista, Colorado

    Summit La Plata Peak

    9.25 mi / 4500 ft gain
    The Northwest Ridge is the most easily accessible and popular route, and for good reasons. The trailhead is on the side of Hwy 82, otherwise known as Independence Pass, about 14.5 miles from the Hwy 24 junction, or about 10 miles from Twin Lakes to the east. The trailhead is hard to miss, and you...
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