Gold Bar, Washington

Top Spots in and near Gold Bar

  • Leavenworth, Washington

    Eightmile Lake

    6.76 mi / 1496 ft gain
    Beginning at the trailhead, fill out a self-issued permit allowing you to stay overnight. Start your trek heading upwards at an elevation of 3300 feet. As you become adapted to the trail, you will start to realize it is maintained and well groomed. In addition, The 1300 feet of elevation gained t...
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  • Leavenworth, Washington

    Climb Cashmere Mountain

    17 mi / 5700 ft gain
    To get to Cashmere Mountain, drive east towards Leavenworth on Highway 2 and turn right on Icicle Creek Road. After 8.5 miles, turn left onto Eightmile Road for 3 miles, and park at the Eightmile Lake trailhead. The hike begins at Eightmile Lake Trail. After 2.8 miles, just past Little Eightmile ...
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  • Ronald, Washington

    Hex Mountain Trail

    7.36 mi / 2710 ft gain
    Hex Mountain is a steep but rewarding out and back hike/snowshoe with 360 views from the peak. On a clear day you can see Mount Rainier, the Teanaways, the Stuart range, and many other surrounding peaks. Low avalanche risk makes this an enjoyable winter destination for snowshoers and backcountry ...
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  • Enumclaw, Washington

    Hike to Kelly Butte

    3.4 mi / 1100 ft gain
    After a rough drive to the trailhead you’ll have little time to catch your breath as the trail laces up the mountain side, but with Rainier to distract you, it won’t be long until you’re at the top with a view that is more than enough reward for your efforts. Pay very close attention to the drivi...
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  • Leavenworth, Washington

    Winter Camping in Leavenworth

    It's an easy day hike to the Ridge of only 2.5 miles. On the ridge you can relax and enjoy the view of the surrounding mountains and a view of Leavenworth. I went into the Rangers office to ask for a good spot to take night time photos and this is one of the areas they suggested. Make sure you ge...
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