Bridget Taylor

Love checking out new and fun adventures with my dog!

It was a cool hike, directions were easy to follow. Definitely want water and I made the mistake of going in the noon of the day so it was warm. Better to go when it's not the height of the sun.

What a hidden little gem near the city that I would never have expected! Relatively easy hike and beautiful falls at the end! The toughest part is the hike back up.

It constantly amazes me how beautiful nature is!! I went on a Sunday afternoon and it was busy!! Get there early in the day to get a good parking space, or just be prepared to hunt for a space for a while. I was there at sunset and got some amazing photos and the views are beautiful!

Drove it in early Spring; nice drive but the actual gold camp road is a dirt road so it was pretty muddy. Probably better to do in the Summer or Fall. There are many aspen trees at the entrance so I'm sure it's gorgeous in the fall when leaves are changing.

I found this to be a difficult hike during the winter . The snow was chest to shoulder deep and adding the elevation gain made it tough. Snowshoes or ski's are a must if you're trying to reach the lake, otherwise you will sink in the snow & won't be able to make it. Gorgeous views and hardly many people on the trail. More backcountry skiers on the trail, so be aware of the avalanche danger & pack accordingly for a winter hike with those safety items.

This was fun, despite that I actually missed the REAL falls. There was a stopping point where it seemed the falls would have been if there was more water run off. Other people made the same mistake I did too, there was alot of people stopped and looking at the view, which was pretty! But the actual falls are another 1-1.5 miles up the trail. Don't stop when it seems like you've reached them, its a trick falls area. :)

This one was more challenging than others I've done. The trail was pretty crowded but we went during the warmest part of the afternoon. My dog had a little trouble trying to scramble up some of the rocky steps/paths to the trail, but otherwise a good hike.

I was completely amazed we have this hidden gem on the eastern plains! Very easy hike, tons to explore, very family friendly! Probably best to do when the sun is at it's peak, some of the shaded areas get pretty cool from the clay ground. Love this place!

Beautiful, easier hike. The last stretch to the top was the most challenging, but still not bad at all. Some beautiful views of Kittredge below and the mountain peaks all the way up to the north. Easily one of my favorite hikes so far, and my pup loved it!

I think it was more fun seeing all the small towns you pass along the way. The hike was nice, but probably more fun in the summer when the trail isn't as muddy.

Beautiful trail, very well marked, easy with a dog or children, with great views of Denver and surrounding areas.

Very Fun, easy to do. Muddy in the winter when the snow melts, but beautiful

Great Hike & close to Denver! Only took a little over an hr to get to, and I drove up later in the afternoon so the crowds weren't as bad and fewer people on the trails. Easy elevation gain & my pup had no trouble keeping up!