Hillsborough, New Brunswick

Looking for the best hiking in Hillsborough? We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Hillsborough. The detailed guides, photos, and reviews are all submitted by the Outbound community.

Top Hiking Spots in and near Hillsborough

  • Hillsborough, New Brunswick

    Snowshoe through White Rock Recreational Area

    25 mi / 656.2 ft gain
    White Rock Recreational Area is one of the best places in New Brunswick to mountain bike in the summer and it turns into a snowshoe haven during winter. The park is located 20 minutes South of Moncton driving on Road 114. In Hillsboroug, take a right turn on Golf Club Road and let your car in the...
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  • Elgin, New Brunswick

    Summit Hayward Pinnacle

    2.6 mi / 770 ft gain
    Crossing the Riverview bridge from Moncton, take a right onto Coverdale Rd and follow that road until you reach Rte 885, (or as we like to say: at the second church - about a 15 minute drive). Take a hard left and follow Rte 885 for about 25 minutes. Turn left on Prosser Brook Rd for about 5.3 km...
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  • Elgin, New Brunswick

    Water-Hike to Gordon Falls

    0.6 mi / 0 ft gain
    Gordon Falls is one of the best waterfalls in New Brunswick. It is situated 45 minutes out of Moncton, is easily accessible from the road, and is absolutely worth the drive whenever you wish to cool down on a hot summer day. While it's possible to reach the waterfall right out of your car and han...
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  • Alma, New Brunswick

    Hike Upper Salmon River

    8.1 mi / 1312.3 ft gain
    We suggest you bring a few friends and drive to Fundy National Park with two cars. Leave one car at the park headquarters near Alma and drive up to the Laverty falls parking lot where you will start your hike. If you only have one car and wish to do an out-and-back hike, start at headquarters.  F...
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  • Alma, New Brunswick

    Hike to Chutes Third Vault

    4.6 mi / 500 ft gain
    The hike begins as a flat path through dense forest. About 1.5 miles in, the trail steepens to go almost straight down. There are several manmade steps to make it a bit easier. Near the bottom you walk through the river a bit until turning a corner to see the gorgeous, cascading falls on your lef...
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  • Alma, New Brunswick

    Explore Dickson Falls in Fundy National Park

    1 mi / 98.4 ft gain
    Every day during the summer, Dickson Falls in Fundy National Park, sees many hikers, families and tour busses passing by. The short hike is perfectly adapted to children and groups and it is very well maintained. Half of the trail consisted of a four feet wide boardwalk with stairs (a lot of stai...
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  • Alma, New Brunswick

    Backpack to Goose River Beach

    9.8 mi / 550 ft gain
    The Goose River trail is part if the Fundy Footpath and starts in the Fundy National Park. You can reach the Park from both Alma or Saint-Martins, New Brunswick. In the park, follow Point Wolf road for 8km until you reach the parking lot where you can leave you car for the night. Don't forget to ...
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  • Cocagne, Nouveau-Brunswick

    Kakak around Cocagne Island

    3.7 mi / 0 ft gain
    No official roads will bring you to Cocagne Island. To reach the shore, we suggest you dock your (own) kayak or canoe at Cocagne's Cormierville wharf situated about one mile from the island. First, head south toward Cocagne Island. Before leaving, check the tides to establish which route to take ...
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  • 394 Parlee Brook Road, New Brunswick

    Snowshoe to Parlee Brook Ice Amphitheater

    3.7 mi / 492.1 ft gain
    To reach the trail leading to the Amphitheater, from Sussex Corner, New Brunswick, you can follow the road signs to Poley Mountain. Once on Waterford Rd, turn right onto Parlee Brooke Rd, approximately 3km before the ski resort. Follow this road for about 5 km. The trail starts just before the la...
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  • Saint-Édouard-de-Kent, New Brunswick

    Hike to the Bouctouche Dunes Lighthouse

    14.9 mi / 65.6 ft gain
    In Bouctouche, New Brunswick, you can hike one of the longest strip of dunes in the east cost of North America. The 12 k of dunes is the habitat of many birds and plants. It is also the home is the endanger piping plover. Visitors must walk on wet sand and be careful not to disturb wildlife. Ther...
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  • Canning, Nova Scotia

    Hike Cape Split Trail

    9.9 mi
    This is a Nova Scotia classic and a well-known hike. The trailhead has been recently upgraded by the province so parking is no longer a major concern. There is a nice picnic area at the parking lot, but I recommend hauling your lunch to the point - it is a much more scenic picnic spot!The trail s...
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  • Canning, Nova Scotia

    Amethyst Cove

    6.2 mi / 500 ft gain
    You start by going on the same trail that you would if you were doing the Cape Split hike but not far in the woods you turn right and follow the orange flags. The hike itself is maybe 20 minutes uphill and then you come to the decent down the cliff that will take you to the shore. At the top ther...
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  • Canning, Nova Scotia

    Hike to Haunted Falls & Black Hole Falls

    2.5 mi
    This isn't much of trail so be prepared to bushwhack. If you pull over at the end of Old Baxters Harbour Road, you'll see a sign and a map outline of the trails. You just have to follow the stream, go right you get to Black Hole Falls, and go left you get to Haunted Falls and the shore.To get to ...
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