Jess CurrenExplorer

Outdoor adventure loving mom of 3 amazing kids and wife to the best husband a girl could ask for. We sold everything in 2013 to travel the United States in our Airstream travel trailer. We bike, hike, backpack, and love to explore new places as a family.

Loved this hike! We went early on a Monday in late August and didn't see many people until we were on our way out. Trail is climbs pretty evenly until those last couple of switchbacks and then it's steep! definitely doable.



I took my three kids and we had a blast! Went at low tide around 9:30am and it wasn't too crowded yet. Can definitely get busy though. Lots of fish and for sure don't forget your water shoes!

We just got back from this float trip and it was amazing! We had a group of 11 with 8 boats: 2 canoes, and 6 kayaks. It was perfect. Plenty of amazing views, and we were able to do some side exploring. Don't miss the hike up to the saddle at Bowknot bend, the views are breathtaking! The trip does take some coordination (we did our own shuttle), and when the wind is high paddling can be difficult. Totally worth it!

We've biked this trail in the fall, and walked on the snow in the spring Great little jaunt up in the woods. I only wish the trail were longer!

We camped here for a couple of nights and were blown away by the scenery. Free camping is a plus, and we actually had decent Verizon & T-Mobile cell service. Don't forget to bring your bike and take on the 21 mile Rim Trail!

We hiked down to the lake with our kids (11, 9, 6) and it was fabulous. Late September it was windy and cold, but we bundled up and had a great time. We saw a marmot, but unfortunately the goats seemed to be tucked away out of the cold. Can't wait to come back and do this one again in the summer!



I don't know that I'd ever hike it again, but at least we did it once!

Took our three kids (11, 9, 6) for an afternoon hike up to the ridge. Loved the mine and the views out over the lake on the way back down were incredible!

We hiked this with my brother's family and combined we had 7 kids. They all did great - we hiked around the lake, up to the top, had lunch, and then took the ferry back to the trailhead. It was a perfect. Also - DON'T feed the chipmunks at the top. They are obviously well fed and practically a menace.

This area is managed by the BLM so the fee is waived with an America the Beautiful pass. The Visitor Center was great - they even have a Jr. Ranger program - but mostly we visited the tidepools. Lots of volunteers, identification sheets, and most of all beautiful views and lots of sea life!

We stayed at Burlington Campground for a few nights and were able to do some of the shorter hikes in the area. This place is breathtaking!



This place is pretty magical despite the long, dirt road to get in there! Kids loved jumping over the small streams.

We loved this little hike - Trinidad is a great little town. Unfortunately the fog rolled in shortly after we crested the top so the views weren't as great as they could have been, but we still enjoyed it! For kids, there is Redwoods EdVenture Quest so don't forget your brochure so the kids can earn a patch!

Our kids had a fantastic time dune jumping!

I definitely recommend visiting during golden hour. The light was beautiful but it was still warm enough for the kids to play in the water. We enjoyed jumping the rocks. Its also pretty straightforward to bike here along the path from the campground!

Sledding on the white sand dunes was one of my kids' favorite activities of all times! We had a blast exploring the park and spent a good while running up the hills so we could slide back down.

We went here on a whim while touring southern Arizona. We stayed in the campground with our 28 foot Airstream travel trailer (about the largest you can fit in the campground). Superbly peaceful, beautiful and thoroughly enjoyable! We did a 10 mile hike with our kids and the shuttle from the Visitor Center to the top of the scenic loop was great!



We hiked this with my brother and his family and the kids loved scrambling up and over all of the rocks. It was pretty windy underneath the arch and there's a pretty steep drop off so just be careful! One of the best hikes to do with little kids in the park.

We stayed over quite a busy weekend, but still had a fabulous time. The hike around the rim was really fun for our kids (10, 8, & 6) and the trail was level and easy with just the right amount of rock scrambling. Don't forget to grab your Jr. Ranger Books from the visitor center and earn a badge while you are here!

We've learned some caves are more decorated than others with stalagmites, columns, stalactites, popcorn, and soda straws. This one had a lot of unique features and the tour was highly enjoyable even for our young kids! We visited years ago and at the time we were even able to hear the The Stalactite Organ. This very interesting instrument is created by locating cave features that sound a particular note when struck. Small actuators (hammers) gently strike the cave feature when the associated key is pressed, and the notes sound throughout the cave. During our tour, we stood quietly in front of the organ while a few musical pieces were played on the organ. This musical experience made Luray Caverns a unique experience.

We had a brief stopover here on a longer trip and thoroughly enjoyed it! Definitely can been seen in a short hour or so.

I was surprised how many people we saw at 4pm on a Thursday on this trail. Lots of parents with kids coming out of the slot canyon as well. Great views from the top for sure! We also completed the cave loop after coming down out of the canyon. Great afternoon!

We thought we'd take on the challenge of the Sunset Trail - a supposed 9.8 miles and the longest in the park. With our 3 kids (10, 8, 5.5) we set out early in the morning from the campground at Gulpha Gorge hiking the trail counter-clockwise. The trails rolls through the hills and is quite stunning only our miles were adding up faster than we were completing the trail. By the time we made it back around to the Visitor Center, we had clocked 13.3 miles and we were all dead tired. The map said it was another 1.4 miles from the VC back to the campground but the kids just weren't going to make it. Luckily, we ran into a park ranger and he gave my husband a ride back to the campground to pick up our truck and rescue the rest of us. We learned that many of the trails need to be re-measured, and re-signed (the signage on Sunset was also awful). Just be careful which trails you hike and make sure you have accurate information before setting out!! BBQ from a local dive that night, and a soak in a traditional bath at Buckstaff the following morning were both fantastic.

We spent two nights backpacking on Cumberland Island with our 10, 8, and 5 year old. We dropped our packs at the Ranger Sea Camp station and day hiked two miles south round trip to the Dungeness Ruins. Afterward we grabbed our packs and hiked 3.5 miles up to Stafford Beach Camp. Stafford is one of two two campgrounds with toilets (Sea Camp is the other) - which was nice with our kids. Its also close to the beach. There is water available, but it needs to be treated. The second day we hiked up to Hickory Hill, dropped our packs and walked all the way up to Plum Orchard Mansion for the tour. The house was beautiful and the hike was great. Long day for the kids (9 miles total) but they were champs. Day 3 we hiked 5.5 miles back to Sea Camp for the 2:45pm ferry back to the mainland. The Spanish Moss draped Oak Trees contrasting with the sharp, pointed, Palmetto bushes are beautiful. We also loved the ferral horses that just roam the island.