Ryan Mazure

Traveler, hiker and part time climber. A dreamer that acts on what I really want my life to look like. My passion is the outdoors and just going out and exploring what mother nature has given us, You never know what is around the corner until you go!

Hike to Foggy Peak Summit

Springfield, New Zealand
2 mi / 3280.8 ft gain

Hike to Mount Talyuberlup

Stirling Range National Park, Western Australia
1.7 mi / 1312.3 ft gain

Hike to Summit of Mount Bealey

Arthur's Pass, New Zealand
5 mi / 3608.9 ft gain

Climb Gunung Agung

Selat, Indonesia
5 mi / 5905.5 ft gain

Rock Climb at Unwin Crag

Mount Cook National Park, New Zealand

Hike to Mount Aicken Summit

Arthur's Pass, New Zealand
3 mi / 3608.9 ft gain