Betheny Keller

This lighthouse and surrounding property is such a fun little area to explore. It is well preserved, however you cannot currently climb to the top due to extended maintenance. The open field and caretakers cottage is a great area to walk around and view the lighthouse from. The area is well maintained.

This is a great section of the AT to hike. Jane Bald can be reached by parking at Carver’s Gap, but finding parking there can be a bit difficult on busy days. Once on Jane Bald there are not as many people there as Grassy Ridge. It is a bit more of a difficult hike as there are steep sections, but it feels much more secluded as most people don’t hike that far. The view is like no other. From the top all you see are rolling blue ridge mountains in all directions.

This is a great section of the AT to hike. Jane Bald can be reached by parking at Carver’s Gap, but finding parking there can be a bit difficult on busy days. Once on Jane Bald there are not as many people there as Grassy Ridge. It is a bit more of a difficult hike as there are steep sections, but it feels much more secluded as most people don’t hike that far. The view is like no other. From the top all you see are rolling blue ridge mountains in all directions.

This is a really nice area to go and explore. There are rocks that can be climbed and places to swim. Parking can be a bit of an issue in the summer time, so plan to go at a less busy time to ensure a place to park. The trail to Blue Hole is not long, but a steep drop down earthen stairs. There is space to explore up and down the riverbed as well as the rocks around. Except for when it’s busy, it feels like a secluded and relaxing area.

The walk to get to Sunset Point is super short and perfect to walk back down once it’s dark. The hike up is a little steep and there are exposed roots and rocks along the dirt trail so bring some light for the walk back down. The clearing at the top provides a perfect view in just the right direction to watch the sun sink over the horizon.

This is a nice and well maintained trail that takes a big loop. There are sections that are a bit challenging as far as the incline. Some sections have nicer views and others are just trees. This is a good trail if you’re wanting a long walk through the woods.

This is a really nice trail that is easy to follow and leads to beautiful views. The trail through the Beauty Spot winds along a clear grassy field. There are wildflowers and pretty plants growing in the field. There is plenty of open space to camp or have a picnic.

This is one of the biggest and best waterfalls in the area. There was a decent amount of parking, but it could easily become full on a busy day. The trail was well maintained and easy to follow. The trail does not have a ton of steep sections or incline until the very end going down to the falls. The drop down to the falls is basically rock steps. There is a big area at the bottom of the falls to swim and enjoy the water.

This campground is a great way to experience South Holston Lake. The campground has nice amenities, but you still feel like you’re camping. The scenery from nearly every location within the campground is beautiful. There can be noise from boat motors especially over on the main side of the lake. The road to and through the camp is paved, which makes access super easy. The campsites are a good size and don’t feel to crammed together. The hosts in my experience have all been quite nice. The only complaint I have is the gates do not get closed at the time they say they’re supposed to. It was not nice when someone came to the neighboring campsite at 11 PM, turned on a loud generator and made a big racket trying to level their camper. It would also be nice if one loop was tent camping only so you wouldn’t have to hear the noise of generators. Overall though, this is a campground I will definitely be returning to.

This trail is a moderate difficulty. The trail is dirt with exposed roots and rock that could easily be tripped over. There are sections with steep inclines to go up and down. There is lots of water with creeks running down just about every valley you go through. Down in the valleys it feels like you are secluded in the middle of nowhere. The only sound is chirping birds and trickling water. There are no major jaw dropping views along the loop, but it feels like you’re in a secluded forrest most of the time. For the most part the trail is well marked, but there are a couple places the trail splits without much direction. Parking/access is no problem at all. I’d recommend this trail if you’re looking for a place to go and relax in the serenity of nature.

This is such a nice relaxed trail for a stroll. There are not many houses in the area so it’s quiet. Once down by the river is feels like you’re in the middle of nowhere. The trail is gravel and dirt. The dirt section has some exposed root and rocks, but it’s not too difficult. The trail would work well to push a stroller on or walk a dog. This is a must visit place for Bristols residents.

This is a nice area to put a boat, kayak, or, SUP into Boone Lake. The area of the lake is not the busiest despite some houses in the area. There are some rocks nearby that can easily be climbed to jump off. Overall, this boat drop has quite a bit to offer.

This is nice place to drop into the South Fork. There can be a bit of traffic noise under the bridge, but it fades pretty quickly as you paddle further away. This is a relatively calm part of the river/lake. There are some houses around, but if you paddle to the west there is farmland and correct along the edge of the water. There is not a huge area for parking under the bridge when the water is at its highest level in the summer months. The parking area is also just dirt so it can be a bit messy following a heavy rain.

This is one of the best and most unknown trails in Bristol. The trail is quite and feels serene. The river runs on each side and there is not much around to make noise. The loop trail is flat, with only one very small section with a slight incline. This is perfect for children and pets. The trail is perfect to go for a stroll or run. There are plenty of places along the trail to step off and fish. Benches are located throughout the loop to take a break and take in the sights and sounds of nature. This is the perfect place to view wildlife. River otters, deer, squirrels, and other animals often make an appearance. Wildflowers and other shrubbery can also be observed.

This is is a really nice little trail with serene views. The trail is easily accessible with lots of parking and bathrooms nearby. It is not a super long trail so it can easily be combined with other trails in the area. The trail is dirt, but well maintained. It goes right along the river so there is easy access for fishing or just to view the river and surrounding views.

This trail is one of the most beautiful sections of the Appalachian trail. The trail has a bit of an incline, but leads to wide open spaces with expansive views of rolling mountains on the Tennessee side and North Carolina side. It can be a bit foggy so make sure you go a day that is clear so you can take in all the view. Parking can be a bit hard to find at times, so plan ahead to go at less busy times.

Twin Pinnacles is one of the easiest and shortest trails in Grayson Highlands. This is nice because it’s not challenging to get to, but that also means it can be quite busy. There can be large amounts of people climbing around on the rock, which takes away some of the scenic beauty and can create a bit of noise. Along the trail there is a large expanse of wide open space with tremendous views. There are ponies along the trail as well as wildflowers that can be admired. There are rocks that can be climbed upon for 360 views. This really is a great trail, just be prepared it seems to be much busier than other trails in the park.

This is one of the best trails to be found in Grayson Highlands State Park. It is a bit further and steeper than some of the more popular trails so there are less people. The trail is easy to follow and there is plenty to see along the way. There are many plants and wildflowers along the trail that can be admired in the summer months. Wild ponies and cows also roam the area. There are views of rolling Blue Ridge Mountains the entire way. Once atop Wilburn ridge there are 360 views. If capable of a bit of a more strenuous hike, this is a must do trail. Parking is not hard to come by and there are bathrooms at the base.

This trail is well maintained and has a fine gravel from start to finish. Along the trail you get to see rolling Blue Ridge Mountains, rural farmlands, a babbling creek, expanses of forrest, and more. There are multiple parking areas and trailheads along the way. The trail is relatively flat with no sudden steep areas, but the trail itself is one gradual incline. Parking is usually not an issue, unless you go at a super busy time. This is a very popular place in the fall to see the autumn foliage.

Biking down the Virginia Creeper Trail gives you a front row seat to the beauty of the Appalachian region. I you get to see the rolling Blue Ridge Mountains as well as vast fields of farmland. The trail itself is well maintained and easy to access from numerous trailheads along the way. There are no major steep inclines or drops, but the trail itself is basically one long gradual incline. If you plan to go it the fall be prepared, as that is the most busy time and parking can sometimes be hard to come by.

The Greenbelt is a nice trail through Kingsport to run along or bike. There are multiple trailheads in convenient locations making access super easy. The trail heads I’ve gone to all have a good amount of parking. There are nice views along sections of the trail, but there is usually always the sound of traffic nearby. This trail provides great options to get outside without having to travel too far.

This trail is quite difficult. It can be more difficult depending on what time of year you go. In the fall there are lots of leaves and acorns on the ground making it more slippery. The first part of the trail is relatively flat and in a wide open area. The majority of the trail has a very steep incline. It is a challenging hike and not for the faint of heart. Once you get to the top, there is an open area with a rock overlooking South Holston Lake. The view of the lake is like no other. The trailhead is along a gravel road and the marking is quite easy to miss. There is no defined parking, but plenty of room to pull off the road.

This is such a great camp ground! The grounds are well maintained with nice amenities. The hosts at the campground go above and beyond to make your stay the best. The pool and putt putt are nice little things to do at the campground. We stayed in the cabins on site and they were small, but designed in an efficient way. They were well stocked with amenities. I would highly recommend staying here if you’re looking to visit the area.

This trail is a nice place to go for a walk or run. The location feels very secluded and there are nice views of the mountain and river. The trail goes along a big open field that would be the perfect place for photography. The Piney Hill Rd trailhead only has a small amount of parking, but there is much more off South Holston Dam Rd. This trail is quite a calming place to visit.