Kelley Dodge

Just your average chocolate lover, literary enthusiast, and exceptionally gifted nomad.

This was one of the most stunning backpacking trips I have ever done. I would recommend setting up camp before climbing up to the lakes, as it can get pretty windy up top at night. The lakes on top are STUNNING. Water is an unbelievable turquoise color. Definitely DO NOT miss this place if you are in the area!

We got an early start to avoid crowds and were treated to lots of wildlife sightings -- including multiple moose and mountain goats. We ran into a few rangers on our way back to the trailhead who had just encountered a grizzly, but we didn't see any (be sure to bring your bear spray though, as grizzly sightings are common in Glacier National Park). Views from the trail are STUNNING with the aqua blue water below. Unfortunately we did this hike in early June and due to snow and ice we couldn't quite make it to the Glacier -- crampons and ice axes were recommended.

I would consider this more of a walk than a hike, but it was a nice escape from Denver (only a 15 minute drive). The trail was quiet and climbs for the first 0.5 miles, but once on top there are miles of flat, open trail to add mileage to your trip. We enjoyed the views of Golden from the top of Table Mountain. Trail was a muddy mess from a recent snowmelt though, so I would recommend choosing a drier day for this hike.

Due to recent snowmelt the trails were a muddy mess...we found ourselves sinking inches into the muck and my dog was a mess at the end. Regardless, the views of Denver on the horizon were unbeatable.

This was a short, easy hike, and well worth it for the views. Unfortunately, before we reached the top clouds rolled in and heavy snow began (in mid-June!), so we didn't get the panoramic views at the top. While the trail was busy, we saw lots of wildlife including marmot and deer.

This is a great summer hike that we enjoyed at a very slow pace, stopping frequently to wade through tidepools, take snack breaks on the sand, and photograph the arches. **Make sure before getting to the trailhead you purchase a usage permit from the Makah Indian Reservation (available at most gas stations in town). We didn't realize this until we were at the trailhead and had to backtrack into town.

This is a TOUGH trail. Be prepared with plenty of food and water because this trail is anything but gradual. Hiking boots are a must for the often rocky trail. I highly recommend doing this in the fall - it was breathtaking with all the aspens in peak color.

This drive offers stunning views from the seat of your car, but I highly recommend pulling over at the overlooks because many have short trails (less than 1 mi) that offer even better views away from the crowds alongside the road.

This is a great hike, close and convenient to Denver and Boulder. This hike is fairly easy but has stunning views, making it my go-to for out of town visitors who might not be adjusted to the altitude or who are not avid hikers. Almost anyone can do this trail and will be amazed by the views!

The rope bridge itself is nothing too exciting, but the Carrick-a-rede area is beautiful and definitely worth a stop to explore. Water is bright blue and very picturesque.

I lived in Dublin for 4 months and this was my FAVORITE escape! It's an easy hike and quiet if you avoid weekends and late afternoons. Beautiful scenery and nice to get some fresh air by the sea.

Since you can't reserve sites in advance, we got there early and had no problem getting a spot. This is a great campground in an awesome location - close proximity to lots of trailheads including the Grinell Glacier Trail. One evening there was a female moose and her 6-week old calf wandering the campground.

Did this hike on a 50-degree December day which was ideal hiking weather with the exception of needing to wade through a freezing cold stream. There were no boulders above water as mentioned in the description, so we were not able to cross without taking off shoes & socks to wade. Maybe the water is just higher this time of year? Despite this, views of Bradley falls were stunning and it was a great hike!

Very easy to get to and nice that you can walk right into the slot canyons unlike others where you need ropes or rappelling gear. We were one of two groups on the trail all day. It's a nice, quiet escape from the crowds at Bryce Canyon.

This was a nice, easy hike, close to Denver, but my only complaint is the number of mountain bikes on the trail. Bikes often came flying around corners, requiring me to keep my dog on a tight leash.

I started this trail immediately after sunrise at Maroon Bells and it was very crowded. Maybe sunrise at Crater Lake would have been a better alternative! Regardless, it's a beautiful, short hike.

After a long hike up Death Canyon we hit Phelps Lake on our way back to the car. It's a great spot to jump, but there were at least 30 others there, making it pretty crowded. I would recommend trying to get there earlier in the day!

This was a TOUGH, long hike but well worth it. Lots of aspens in peak color in mid-September. Incredible views all the way up.

Hiked this trail in July and the wildflowers were breathtaking, covering the mountainside. We got an early start ~ 7am to miss crowds. Trail was empty at that time (we only passed one other group), but on our way back to the trailhead we passed lots of people just heading out.

This hike is relatively easy, which you would never guess from the stunning scenery. Towering peaks and alpine lakes make for a beautiful day out.

This was a nice hike that offered great views and well-maintained trails. It's rather open, so it was pretty cold and windy in the middle of November. My only complaint is there were lots of mountain bikers using the trail so I had to keep my dog on a tight leash as to not be surprised by one flying around the corner.